Asset Management Awareness Month Promo! 10% Off $250 | 15% Off $500 | 20% Off $1000 – Use Code TAGIT25. Exclusions Apply. Ends 3/21.
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Asset Tag Pricing

Design your Asset Tag by selecting Styles & Templates below Design your Asset Tag Design your Asset Tag


  • asset tagAsset Tag
  • Asset TrackerAsset Tracker
  • Custom Asset TagCustom Asset Tag


Barcode and Numbering Type: View Symbology Info

  • Code 39

    Code 39

  • Code 128

    Code 128

  • QR

    QR Code

  • Datamatrix


  • Number Only

    Number Only

  • Blank

    Blank - No Numbering

Barcode & Symbology:

Code 39

code 39

Inventory asset tags
parking permits
tracking of various hard goods from laptops to autos.


(Plus special characters like spaces and hyphens)

Code 3 of 9


Code 128

code 128

Shipping industries
Medical devices
Precision tools


Bar Code 128

Code 128A, B or C

2D / QR

code qr
Available for Custom Designs

Promotional materials
Embedded web links
Business cards


Quick Response Code

Data Matrix

data matrix

Inventory tracking
Military uses




Numbering: View Sequential & Data Merge Info

  • Sequential Serial Numbering

  • Database Merge

Optional Prefix

Starting Number in Sequence

Optional Suffix

Limited to 9 or fewer characters. If you need to exceed call CustomerCare.

Sequential & Data Merge:

  • Sequential


    Basic Sequential Numbering
    Sequential numbering is a progression of numbers that starts with a number that you determine and continues on without skipping any numbers until the progression ends.

    Prefix and Suffix Sequential Numbering
    Letters or numbers can be added before (prefix) or after (suffix) the progression. Prefixes and suffixes can be used to indicate dates, lot locations, times or and other indicators.

  • Database Merge:

    data merge

    Pre-assign asset tag numbers with or without prefixes and suffixes. Must be provided in Excel or text format. File upload will be requested at checkout.


Materials: View Material Info


Polyester-2 mil-Metalized Matte Silver
2-mil Metalized Matte Silver polyester film is resistant to heat, tearing, abrasion, and stretch. Great for tagging computers, laptops, cell phones, furniture and office items. This material is particularly well suited to industrial applications where label may be subjected to physical stress or heat. Depending on surface applied to, heat resistance ranges up to 303°F. Adhesive is one of the best available for Low Surface Energy (LSE) plastics. Best for flat, smooth surfaces as it will not conform to uneven surfaces. Because it is metalized, this polyester will conduct electricity and is not suitable for the backs of printed circuit boards where label is applied over electrical contacts. UL® Recognized with specific color foils.

  • Adhesive: Permanent
  • Outdoor Rating: 2 Year
  • Stretch Resist: 3

Polyester-2 mil-Gloss White
2-mil Gloss White polyester film is resistant to heat, tearing, abrasion, and stretch. Common applications are the same as the Matte Silver poly and include computers, laptops, cell phones, furniture and office items. This material is particularly well suited to industrial applications where label may be subjected to physical stress or heat. Depending on surface applied to, heat resistance ranges up to 303¬∫F. Adhesive is one of the best available for Low Surface Energy (LSE) plastics. Best for flat, smooth surfaces as it will not conform to uneven surfaces. UL® Recognized with specific color foils.

  • Adhesive: Permanent
  • Outdoor Rating: 2 Year
  • Stretch Resist: 3

Security Polyester-2 mil-Silver
2-mil Security Silver "VOID" polyester film provides tamper evidence. Use when your asset tags require tamper resistant protection. Great for tagging computers, laptops, cell phones, furniture and office items. This mirror finish polyester film, with a unique adhesive system. Once printed and applied, the word VOID appears, on both the applied surface and the material, if the label is removed. The removed label cannot be reapplied. Best for flat, smooth surfaces as it will not conform to uneven surfaces. When printing colors and bar codes, white must be printed as a primer to achieve standard color rendition and bar code scanability. Overlaminates may be used without negating the security feature.

  • Adhesive: Permanent
  • Outdoor Rating: 2 Year
  • Stretch Resist: 3

Vinyl-Destructible Reflective 5 mil-White
Destructible Reflective White 5-mil vinyl. Use when your asset tags require tamper resistant protection. Great for tagging computers, laptops, cell phones, furniture and office items. Once applied, this vinyl cannot be removed in one piece. When printing colors and bar codes, white must be printed as a primer to achieve standard color rendition and bar code scanability. Overlaminates negate the destructibility. Conforms well to corrugated or moderately irregular surfaces. Back surface is silverized so material is very opaque. One of our longest lived outdoor vinyl's.

  • Adhesive: Permanent
  • Outdoor Rating: 7 Year
  • Stretch Resist: 2
  • Colors: Silver

LexSaver®plus 10 mil White
10-mil LexSaver®plus is resistant to heat, tearing, excessive abrasion, and stretch. Perfect for power boxes, construction equipment, power tools, and any other industrial item that is subject to physical stress. UV resistant polypropylene protective coating has an embossed velvet finish that is ultra-durable. Adhesive is one of the best available for semi-oily metals and Low Surface Energy (LSE) plastics. Best for flat, smooth surfaces as it will not conform to uneven surfaces. Will accept all of our printing colors.

  • Adhesive: Permanent
  • Outdoor Rating: 7 Year
  • Stretch Resist: 4

3-mil Flexible Anodized Aluminum Foil
3-mil Flexible Anodized Aluminum Foil * Tough Flexible Anodized Aluminium perfect for asset labels and tags that need to be adhered on a curved surface. The colors and graphics are etched permanently into the surface of the material. This highly durable product means labels can be used indoors or outdoors. This is the material we recommend if your labels will be exposed to direct sunlight, salt spray, high temperatures, cleaning solvents, or continuous abrasion. Made specifically for these conditions, it will not crack, chip, or peel over its useful life. *Barcode /Serial number are imbedded in anodized layer for 20 Year outdoor durability.

  • Colors: Metallic Silver
  • Outdoor Rating: 20 Year
  • Stretch Resist: 5

8-mil Anodized Metal
8-mil Anodized Metal * Tough Anodized Aluminium perfect for asset labels and tags that need extra durability. The colors and graphics are etched permanently into the surface of the material. This highly durable product means labels can be used indoors or outdoors. This is the material we recommend if your labels will be exposed to direct sunlight, salt spray, high temperatures, cleaning solvents, or continuous abrasion. Made specifically for these conditions, it will not crack, chip, or peel over its useful life. *Barcode /Serial number are anodized in anodized layer for 20 Year outdoor durability.

  • Colors: Metallic Silver
  • Outdoor Rating: 20 Year
  • Stretch Resist: 5


Metalized Matte Silver Polyester

Polyester 2-mil Metalized Matte Silver

• Indoor use
• Fine on smooth plastics
• Most popular product
• Best overall value
• Resists high temps


White Polyester

Polyester 2-mil Gloss White

• Indoor use
• Excellent value
• Great for smooth plastics
• Resists high temps and stress


Silver Void Tamper Evident

Security Polyester 2-mil Silver

• Indoor use
• Cannot be reapplied
• Tamper evident adhesive
• "VOID" pattern shows when label removed


Destructible Reflective Vinyl

Vinyl Destructible Reflective 5-mil White

• Indoor/Outdoor use
• Reflective Silver
• Tamper Evident
• Flakes apart if removed



LexSaver®plus 10-mil White

• Great for outdoor use
• UV resistant
• Ultra durable
• Harsh environments
• Great for smooth plastics


Flexible Anodized Aluminum Foil

3-mil Flexible Anodized Aluminum Foil

• Indoor/Outdoor use
• Super strong adhesive
• Curved surfaces
• 20 year UV rated
• Anodized numbering for perfect protection


8-mil Anodized Metal

8-mil Anodized Metal

• Indoor/Outdoor use
• Super strong adhesive
• Nameplate material
• 20 year UV rated
• Anodized numbering for extra protection



All MaverickLabel asset tags are resistant to normal wear and tear. If you need extra protection an overlaminate can be added to polyester materials to protect the graphics from excessive abrasion, chemical cleaning, or other demanding environments.

Assets that may be subject to excessive abrasion may include hand tools and power tools; devices which are repeatedly placed into and removed from a tight fitting case (e.g. cell phones or laptop computers), and any other asset where the asset tag will be placed in an area subject to consistent abrasive contact.

For maximum protection for assets exposed to chemical cleaners in the healthcare, manufacturing, automotive, and restaurant industry might consider selecting a material that will withstand harsh environments as well. LexSaver®plus, Flexible Anodized Aluminum Foil, and 8-mil Anodized Metal are typically used in these kind of environments due to their resistance to abrasion and chemicals.


Printing Color:

  • Color With Knockout Elements

    Print Style 1

  • Elements Printed In Color

    Print Style 2

  • Reflex Blue
  • Process Blue
  • Green
  • Dark Green
  • Dark Gray
  • Yellow
  • Tomato Red
  • Orange
  • Burgundy
  • Process Magenta
  • Black

Add Logo For Free!

Please upload a file having extensions .jpeg/.jpg/.png/.gif/.tiff/.bmp/.eps only.

The Asset Tag Design you have selected requires a logo. Please select “Go Back” to upload your artwork now or select “Upload Artwork Later” to defer and proceed.

Enter Your Text


UberQuoter® U.S. Patent #7590566


Variable Data Style:

Total Price:
Per Unit Price:

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Proof Policy

How The Proof Process Works:

• Within 24-48 hours (not including Saturday, Sunday, or Holidays) of receipt of your artwork, you will receive an email with proof instructions.

• The email will include a link to your proof and instructions for approving or indicating changes to your proof online.

• If you make changes, a new proof will be prepared and you will be emailed once the revised proof has been posted.

• We will notify you of any charges due to artwork modifications before we start production.

• Once approved, your artwork is immediately sent to production.


• Artwork touching the edge of the design must extend at least 1/8” beyond the die-line in the art file for products allowing bleeds.

• We strongly urge you to provide a 300dpi or higher file in .pdf format. (low resolution artwork pulled from the web will not work)

• If You Are Not Providing a pdf file:

• We can work with the most recent Macintosh and Windows versions of:

- Adobe® Illustrator® saved as .ai, .eps, or .pdf
- Adobe® Photoshop® saved with layers as .tiff, .eps, or .psd
- QuarkXPress ™ collect for output
- Adobe® InDesign® and Adobe® CS® package files

• All text in your artwork should be submitted with fonts outlined (converted to curves or paths). Note: be sure artwork is correct.

• Editing of text will not be available with outlined fonts. If artwork is submitted with fonts, all screen and printer fonts need to be included when file is uploaded.

• If an IBM font is used in your electronic file, the printer and screen font must be supplied.

• Providing fonts will ensure we can make any changes to your text if necessary.

• All photographic image files should be in CMYK format.

• Keep design in one program - i.e. do not place image in Illustrator®, then place the Illustrator® file in QuarkXpress™.


If you waive a proof by selecting “No Proof” your order will be released to production immediately.

No changes or alterations to your order will be possible. Any changes to or cancellation of a “No Proof” order will be charged for the full price of job. We are not responsible for artwork related errors or color variations in the finished product if you select “No Proof”.

Additional Charges:

If additional charges apply, you will be notified within 24 Hours. The most common charges are:

• Customer changes made to proofs. $15.00 minimum charge.
• A “No Proof” job that is canceled or changed in any way will result in the full cost of job being charged.
Please contact CustomerCare if you need additional information.

Print Proof Policy


Save Your Quote

Your quote will be saved under a unique number and unique "link".
You can email your quote to yourself and to others. The email you send will automatically include a link to your quote. You can use the link to quickly access your quote to review or change your quote and place your order - at another time.

Name : (Optional)

Phone Number: (Optional)

Email Address : (Required)

+Add another Email Address

estimate for shipping price. (Optional)


Will you be changing the artwork for this order?

(Please note that a setup fee may apply for changed artwork.)
